200g (7oz) of dark chocolate
100g (3.5oz) of butter
4 eggs
3/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup all purpose four
powdered sugar for decoration
Three bowls
Hand mixer
Bake round cake pan
Parchment paper
We work with chefs from all around the world, which is why we include both imperial (cups/ounces) and metric (grams) measurements. To achieve best results, we highly recommend that you utilize a kitchen scale and follow the metric measurements when possible.
To prepare the Soft Chocolate Cake, start melting chocolate in the microwave oven and set the time for 30 seconds (repeat this step for 2/3 times mixing with a spoon/spatula u til the chocolate is completely melted).
Add chopped butter and let this also dissolve while continuing to mix. Let the mixture of chocolate and butter cool. Separate the yolks from the whites in two diferent and capacious bowls. At this point, add half of the sugar to the white and whip them until the
mixture is frm and fufy. Set aside.
Pour the remaining sugar into the yolks, then whip everything at moderate speed until the mixture is light and fufy. Add the mixture of chocolate and butter to the yolk mixture and continue to mix until you get a uniform mixture. At this point add the egg whites whipped in several stages: stirring gently from bottom to top. Add the four to rain and always mix with a spatula making gentle movements from bottom to top until the mixture is smooth and uniform.
Place parchment paper into a round pan and pour the freshly prepared dough into it. Bake in a preheated static oven at 180°C (350F) for 30-35 minutes. Once out of the oven 19 let your Soft Chocolate Cake cool before turning it out and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

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